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Title: سورس کد حذف نگ اسکرین ویژوال بیسیک 6
حالت موضوعی
با سورس زیر میتونید نگ اسکرین ویژوال بیسیک 6 رو حذف کنید در واقع عمل پج کردن رو روی فایل اعمال میکند , این سورس بدرد کسانی میخوره که دوست دارن پچ بنویسن برای برنامه مورد نظر

یه سری توضیحات از زبان نویسنده

نقل قول:Used tools.

- W32Dasm 8.93 (Disassembler/Debugger)
- Hex Edit (to check if patch working)
- My Universal Patch Engine (to fix the patch)
- Visual Basic 6.0 (to compile my Universal Patch Engine and to remove nag ;-))


First disassembe VB6.EXE with W32Dasm and load the process in the debug mode.
[Auto Step Over] until the nag-screen appears and toggle a breakpoint on the Call
istruction. Repeat the [Auto Step Over] until debugger stops over the breakpoint.
[Step Into] the Call and [Step Over] until the nag appears. Find the Call that
shows *ONLY* the nag (Call 00465A11). It is 10 bytes long and we must sobstitute
it with other 10 bytes. We use 5 NOP (No-Operation [&H90] 2 bytes long) instruction.
Open Hex Edit and go to Call offset (&H65A11) and put here 5 NOP; save VB6.EXE and
test if it working. The nag doesn't appear!
Now modify my Universal Patch Engine with VB6.EXE information, size, offset to patch
and compile it.

Const EXEFileName = "VB6.exe"
Const OriginalSize = 1880064
Const StartOffset = &H65A11
Const EndOffset = &H65A15

سورس کد :

'          **************************           '
'          * Universal Patch Engine *           '
'          **************************           '
' written by Rocky [a.k.a. Sangaletti Federico] '

Private Declare Function CharLower Lib "user32" Alias "CharLowerA" (ByVal lpsz As String) As String

'This constants need for patching
Const EXEFileName = "VB6.exe" 'Name of file to patch
Const OriginalSize = 1880064  'Size of file
Const StartOffset = &H65A11   'First offset to patch
Const EndOffset = &H65A15     'Last offset to patch

Dim BytesExtra As String

Private Sub Command1_Click()
   Label1.Caption = "Searching for EXE..."
   Bar 50 'Show the progress bar (only for fun ;-))
   If SearchFile = False Then
      'If file to patch doesn't exist exit
      MsgBox "Unable to find " & EXEFileName & "!", vbCritical
      Label1.Caption = "Ready to patch..."
      Exit Sub
   End If
   Label1.Caption = "Checking file size..."
   Bar 50 'Show the progress bar (only for fun ;-))
   If CheckSize = False Then
      'If size of file to patch is different, probably
      'it's a different version and the patch can't work
      MsgBox "Wrong file version (" & BytesExtra & ")", vbCritical
      Label1.Caption = "Ready to patch..."
      Exit Sub
   End If
   Label1.Caption = "Checking if already patched..."
   Bar 50 'Show the progress bar (only for fun ;-))
   If CheckAlreadyCracked = True Then
      'If file is already patched exit
      MsgBox "Already patched!", vbCritical
      Label1.Caption = "Ready to patch..."
      Exit Sub
   End If
   Label1.Caption = "Patching..."
   Bar 150 'Show the progress bar (only for fun ;-))
   If Crack = False Then
      'If there is an error during patching routine exit
      MsgBox "Patching error!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description, vbCritical
      Label1.Caption = "Ready to patch..."
      Exit Sub
   End If
   Label1.Caption = "Patched complete!"
   'If patch have success show the message and show how many
   'bytes was changed
   MsgBox "Patched successfully!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & (EndOffset - StartOffset) + 1 & " bytes changed", vbExclamation
End Sub

Private Sub Bar(n As Long)
'Increasing progress bar

   i = Picture2.Width / n
   For n = 0 To n
      Picture2.Line (1, Picture2.Height)-(a, 1), 255, BF
      a = a + i
   Next n
End Sub
Private Sub Delay()
'Wait for a small time

   tm = Timer
   Do While Timer < tm + 0.01
End Sub

Private Function SearchFile() As Boolean
'This function check if file to patch exist

   If CharLower(Dir(EXEFileName)) = CharLower(EXEFileName) Then
      SearchFile = True
      SearchFile = False
   End If
End Function

Private Function CheckSize() As Boolean
'This function check the size of the original file

   If FileLen(EXEFileName) = OriginalSize Then
      CheckSize = True
      CheckSize = False
      If FileLen(EXEFileName) - OriginalSize > 0 Then
         BytesExtra = CStr(FileLen(EXEFileName) - OriginalSize) & " extra bytes"
         BytesExtra = CStr(Abs(FileLen(EXEFileName) - OriginalSize)) & " less bytes"
      End If
   End If
End Function

Private Function CheckAlreadyCracked() As Boolean
'This function chech if file is already patched

   Dim Buffer() As Byte
   Open EXEFileName For Binary As #1
      ReDim Buffer(LOF(1) - 1)
      Get #1, , Buffer
   Close #1
   If Buffer(StartOffset) = &H90 Then
      CheckAlreadyCracked = True
      CheckAlreadyCracked = False
   End If
   Erase Buffer
End Function

Private Function Crack() As Boolean
'This function put the original file in a byte array,
'modify the bytes to change and write the array over
'the original file

   On Error GoTo WARNING
   Dim Buffer() As Byte
   Open EXEFileName For Binary As #1
      ReDim Buffer(LOF(1) - 1)
      Get #1, , Buffer
   Close #1
   For i = StartOffset To EndOffset
      Buffer(i) = &H90
   Next i
   Open EXEFileName For Binary As #1
      Put #1, , Buffer
   Close #1
   Erase Buffer
   Crack = True
   Exit Function
   Crack = False
End Function

گروه دور همی پارسی کدرز
آقا امین پج یعنی چی؟
سرمشق های آب بابا یادمان رفت
رسم نوشتن با قلم ها یادمان رفت
شعر خدای مهربان را حفظ کردیم
اما خدای مهربان را یادمان رفت
معرفت درّ گرانی است که به هر کس ندهند.

پچ یک سری تغییرات در فایل اجرا میکنه مثلا سورس بالا نگ اسکرین رو حذف میکنه ( در واقع قسمتی از فایل رو ادیت میکنه و تغییرات خودشو اعمال میکنه )
گروه دور همی پارسی کدرز

موضوعات مشابه ...
موضوع نویسنده پاسخ بازدید آخرین ارسال
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